Whose Side Are You On Anyway?

thank you,bad for schidduchim,



just the other day,

they called on the phone,

bombarding her with questions,

they want to know,

whose side are you really on?

about whom do you truly care?


torn and confused,

she doesn’t know  what to do,

just the other night,

they had all been the best of friends,

but know their friendship is in flames,

and her life is a mess.


whose side are you really on,

about whom do you really care,

they ask her,

again and again.


she doesn’t know,

what she can say to make things ok,

she likes them both the same.




understand the moral of this story,

and try not to draw others into your fights,

because in fights,

at the end,

nobody is wrong or right,

just the person who ends it,

truly wins.

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